Sorry but this really isn't good. I found the story to be predictable, and the person walks pretty slow, which doesn't add to anything. The 8-bit style works for somethings but for this i feel like it was just an easier thing to do then drawing or making better sprites. Also why only WSAD controls? My other complaint is the timer. One what is with the timing system? Its not relative to actual seconds as I knew by comparing it to my watch, in which i found it takes about 3 second for the hundreds slot to change by 1. Then I calculated how long the timer would take and it was about 40 minutes.... Ok why? I mean I understand waiting for like 5 or 10 minutes but 40? My only compliment is your choice of music which does sound nice, but a mute button would have been nice so I could easily do something else while waiting for the medal. This could have been better if more effort was put into this.